Old 06-13-2005, 10:44 AM
  # 7 (permalink)  
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: West Virginia
Posts: 3
I agree 100% with what everyone said .. but I would caution you with one thing. I went to an AA meeting many years back with a girl I knew before I was an addict. My father is an alcoholic and I thought this would be a neat learning experience for me. Well was I wrong. I got overwhelmed by this sense that all these 'people' did was whine about them them them .. and I was thinking what about the wreckage of your families.. I left so angry and hurt. Of course I was feeling this from a wounded child point of view and I need to understand that we all have different point of view and it would have been nice to have this little speech before the meeting. I think I would have had more compassion and would have gotten more out of it. Maybe even learned a few things to use to help my dad.

Anyway.. Just know that this is a meeting for them.. It should give you some insite that this is a disease not a moral character flaw in us. They (we) have a responsibliltiy to get help and that is what NA/AA is all about. As for the crediblity thing. That will take time and actions speak louder than words but you will never know if you dont give him a chance. Marriage and family is worth it.

Good Luck..
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