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Old 08-30-2015, 07:01 PM
  # 17 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 123
Originally Posted by Time2Rise View Post
Alcohol and heroin are both very dangerous drugs; however, alcohol is and has been for thousands of years, socially and culturally acceptable to use. In fact, in many Western cultures, "learning" to drink properly is almost a right-of-passage if not an outright requirement for being accepted as an adult.

However, until recently heroin, was not socially acceptable. But as social mores changed and probably with an increase in cheaper, better quality heroin, it too has become more socially acceptable for adolescents and young adults to use recreationally (at least in the United States). And so the young, being the adventurous humans they are, give heroin--or at least some type of opiate--a try.

And so less social stigma=more people using recreationally=more addiction.

At least that's been my observation.
I don't know that it's socially acceptable but it is cheap compared to other drugs. A gram of coke goes for $40-$80 depending on the quality and who you know. It's possible to do a gram of blow in a few hours and you just fiend for more when it's gone. Heroin is cheap. Suppose you buy a bundle for $80 which is ten bags. A new heroin user without a tolerance can make ten bags last for 1-3 days. Naturally it makes sense to drug users to go with heroin because it's cheap. They get more for their money. The heroin high is like nothing in this world as well. It's like being in a dream world of your own making. You just nod out and enter your own little fantasy world.
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