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Old 07-12-2015, 04:50 PM
  # 300 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 132
Originally Posted by Plath View Post
I personally loathe the idea of poisoning myself with aspartame, but I've been drinking a ton of Diet Coke lately, instead of beer. I also dislike the idea of drinking stuff with dye in it, but I figure it's better to drink Vitamin Water than beer or wine.

Sometimes, whatever it takes works, even if it's not our ideal thing. It's better than the alternative!

I even drink coffee or iced tea in the evenings, at the risk of being up too late, because it helps me feel as though I'm having some sort of enjoyable beverage to "relax" to (yes, I understand the irony of "relaxing" to coffee or iced tea).

Whatever it takes!
I actually had given up all soft drinks before I tried to get sober. Weirdly enough, since soda's are now classified as "bad" that makes it a more attractive replacement! I'm only drinking one DR. Pepper a day. On the topic of what's "good" and "bad" I have a pet peeve. I'm a runner and one of the most popular new fads is "pub runs". A bunch of people get together, run a few miles and then drink a bunch of beer at the pub you run to. They've convinced themselves that beer is a "healthy" fluid to drink to replenish after a hard run. That's such BS since alcohol is dehydrating. The local running stores charge admission, call it "healthy" and make a profit off people's gullibility. I know, as a drunk I'm prejudiced but their are no scientific studies claiming alcohol is suitable to re-hydrate. ....Anyway...sorry, off my soapbox now....

And great job whiteturtle!
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