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Old 06-28-2015, 01:49 AM
  # 381 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Apr 2015
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Cissy that's so strange! I don't know why it would be doing that. Could be gunk under the keys, or it could be that the strip that connects your keyboard is slightly loose, so it's hit or miss with typing. If you're feeling brave you can pull off your cover and make sure the connection from the keyboard is tight!

Casey, glad to hear your work is going well. Sounds like you deserve a day off! Good job on cleaning the booze. I don't think I've ever wiped down a bottle in my life... no time for that, just for drinking it! Haha. I've been around a lot of booze lately and it hasn't bothered me at all. I thought it would be more of an issue, and some day it might, but right now I don't even seem to notice it.

Still in Norway, but today we're on a bay that connects to the sea. It's gorgeous! About 75 and sunny, which is a nice change. I have a day off tomorrow and I'm looking forward to getting to the hotel and doing nothing. Maybe some reading, maybe some tv.. who knows. It's supposed to be cold and raining again, so I won't feel bad about staying in.
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