Old 05-30-2005, 01:48 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Sunny Californie
Posts: 125
Hey Roy...
Here is the problem.
If one works the steps, finds God, and the other does not....then, trouble.

If both have worked the steps, found God, and are compatible emotionally, mentally, and physically, then...with God all things are possible.

I have seen dozens of folks get married in AA. On the whole they don't work out too well. What I have cited above is the reason for the failure. One must first be sure that they serve the same God, and thus spiritually compatible. Then, find out if they are mentally on the same level. Capable of holding communication with each other. Same likes and dislikes....like both listen to conservative talk shows, read the same paper....ect.. Then, they must find out how emotionally mature each is. Some grow up emotionally in no time, but others develope more slowly. AND finally, how are they matched up on a physical level. Does one have no leg...and the other like jogging....or one likes jogging the other likes boxing....and sexually are they on the same plane....does one like toys and the other is straight laced? Or does one like to be on the bottom and hates the top? :0)

So, there ya go. What do you think?

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