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Old 03-08-2015, 04:05 PM
  # 39 (permalink)  
Join Date: Aug 2013
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Posts: 365
Originally Posted by redheadinus View Post
Tinman, it will work itself out. My suggestion before you go and spend a bunch of money on lawyers is to write out the entire story in writing starting with the texts and how you sold the car and all that. after you have it all in writing, go down to the police station and tell them you want to report the car stolen precisely because of what has happened. The police should be able to help you. If the person that bought the car is that irresponsible, it is only a matter of time until the car gets impounded. The other option is to go talk to a tow yard. Usually they have repo man contacts that know how to track down a car. If you could find out where the buyer lives somehow, you could go and remove the license plates from the car and then the buyer has to come back to you for a bill of sale.

For now, pay the $50 (lowers your profit to $950) and send in a letter explaining what has happened. Again, the cops don't want your car out there being driven by someone who has no accountability. It is important that you get something on record that shows you no longer have the vehicle. A letter to the DMV and the filing a stolen car report should suffice. Also, send a text to the person that bought the truck (even if they are not responding) and let them know you are reporting the truck stolen. you will likely hear from them.

Lastly, don't threaten ending 20 months of sobriety because you made a mistake. The strength you have shown getting to 20 months is far greater than having to suck it up because someone pulled a fast one on you. It happens every day. And finally, just think of how you would be dealing with this if you were drinking. I am guessing you would be out of your mind and taking it out on the family. Also, in the unlikely event that something serious happens with the car and the cops show up trying to get to the bottom of it, imagine if you were drunk and how much harder you would make it on yourself. you really don't need that.

Report the car stolen with the cops. If the new driver is out there committing crimes in your car, the cops should agree that is the best way to remedy the situation. Whatever you do, get something on record with someone that this has happened so in the event something serious happens, you wont be liable.

Keep up the great work and don't let the little stuff beat you up.

Thanks for your encouragement. However, I can't report anything stolen, and the police won't even allow me to report the plate missing. I've tried. I will be charged with a false police report, and that is serious business. No, I'm stuck with this until I get my hearing which I asked for. I have to try to convince them somehow that I sold the car and see if they make a notation of it at DMV.
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