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Old 01-31-2015, 04:51 PM
  # 13 (permalink)  
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I thought it had all blown over long ago. I sat down to lunch at a local restaurant last week and two guys sat down next to me and started talking to me. They made several references about things I have done and said while drunk. I have never seen these guys in my life but they mentioned a lot of things while trying to make it seem they were just making casual conversation. They kept asking me questions and then answering themselves with true facts about me or what I have told people at these bars in the past.

It means these guys have talked about me amongst themselves and shared info about me. Yet they never directly challenge me. It's vague statements, body language that is menacing, like standing in my personal space or sitting too close. I am not by nature a paranoid person but just recent incidents that have made me aware of that I am not welcome in the neighbourhood. Never had problems like this. I'm 38, not a teenager in high school grudges. This could be a serious threat from some shady guys.

I think they are just warning me to stay away from certain places.
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