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Old 01-29-2015, 01:12 PM
  # 27 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Thailand
Posts: 824
I'm good just been to bikram again teacher complimented me on my improvements which was nice. finally seem to be getting into a groove at work and am looking forward to a weekend of more bikram, Work and watching the Man United match and the UFC. United play at 2am over here Saturday night - I find staying awake these days a bit harder seen as I'm not pumped full of Persians but I have a man united body-clock - wherever I am in the world my body wakes me up when United play. Used to irritate my ex's loads if we were on holiday and id go out on missions to find somewhere showing the match. Or wake them up with my shouting/swearing if we conceded a goal or lost lol - no wonder I'm single lmafo. My (soon to be ex)business partner leaves on feb 9th so work Is insane but I'm buzzing off it. Taking a client for lunch later, I used to go and get on after such lunches then come back to work smacked out of my head. Do mad stuff then like have one on ones with staff members with both of us lying on the floor at either end of the board room table. Lunacy looking back.
The PAWS factor is high but I've got too much to do to give it that much energy. Got to prepare for a big client presentation next week as well.
Stay strong chasing - all I know is that life gets better when I'm clean and disintegrates into lunacy like lying down meetings when I use. Have a solid, strong clean weekend everyone :-)
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