Originally Posted by Chy
I will take what I need and leave the rest, thank you very much! I have every right to believe what I believe and I also have every right to be respected because of my beliefs as I would respect you. The only assessment I need in knowing if I'm working my program right is the fact I wake up sober each day, that's good enough for me!
Say it again, sister, say it again.
Of course you realize with this kind of attitude you and I are assuming full responsibility for a relapse if it should occur as predicted. However, I think this is perhaps a big part of what the whole deal is supposed to be about. The following are not my words but I like them very much:
As is noted in the book, Alcoholics Anonymous, "defiance is the outstanding character of the alcoholic." The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions take this central fact into account in presenting a program of recovery to the potential member. They place the responsibility squarely on the individual for becoming aware of and modifying their behavior. Life, in general, and active alcoholism, in particular, become the disciplinarians. For most it takes little time to come to the realization that their battle is with, and within, themselves. With great wisdom, born out of tragic experiences, Alcoholics Anonymous refuses to offer the alcoholic an opportunity to create the illusion that the problem lies anywhere other than with themselves.
It is not ours to determine where the doorways to sobriety ought to be, for we know not from which direction our fellows suffers will come. Ours is but to ensure that the doorway entrusted to our care is in its place, open to the next alcoholic wanting to gain entrance to our world of the spirit.
http://www.dui.com/oldwhatsnew/Alcoh...oal.means.html I am also quite fond of these words (again not my own):
What's the matter people?
Everybody wants the same thing, don't they?
Everybody wants a happy end
They want to see the game on Saturday
They want to be somebody's friend
Everybody wants to work for a living
Everybody wants their children warm
Everybody wants to be forgiven
They want a shelter from the storm
Look at me, I ain't your enemy
We walk on common ground
We don't need to fight each other
What we need, what we need
"Solidarity" - The Black Uhuru
One Love, One Heart, Jah Bless,