Thread: IOM or IOS
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Old 01-11-2015, 08:27 AM
  # 9 (permalink)  
Sober Alcoholic
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Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: northern AZ
Posts: 796
I'm so glad to see other saying they don't know what those acronyms mean.... thought it was just me and I was going to have to be the loner with a red face.

Along this line, I haven't been here long but have done lots of reading. I guess that could be equated with attending meetings although what's read here goes way further in-depth than anything I've heard at meetings... but that was a ramble. A few days ago I read someone talking about slipping and giving how long they had been sober... that's no biggie but the excrutiatinly graphic pleas to God to save them was a biggie to me. I came away from it thinking... words to the affect... now that's just great for newcomers to read.... "God you've deserted me after what a good person I've been.... please stop rejecting me. You saved me before. Why aren't you helping me now?" (My summary of what I read of course.) My eyes about popped out of my head! Wow! I guess its the same as reading how someone has worked all the Steps, according to them, and continues to slip. I know, absolutely, that I'm an alcoholic but I just don't get it. No ego, superiority,... whatever.... I just really don't get it.

*retrieving eye balls from table, placing in pocket and sauntering away*
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