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Old 01-10-2015, 07:46 AM
  # 247 (permalink)  
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Join Date: May 2012
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1Day, good that you have game to look forward to after cleaning up the decorations.

I'm noticing the real changes in many of us as time goes on. 1Day, it sounds like you have gained much acceptance.

And Babs, you are progressing along so well. I understand what you mean by the withdrawal being more difficult this time. I had a similar experience and it scared me. That gradually morphed into a determination to live a sober life. It wasn't until I got past about 3 months that I started feeling like I might actually be able to do this. Now at 5 months, i don't in any way feel it is a done deal, but it's so much easier than it was and I feel a good deal stronger. I hadn't realized just how good I could feel. Certainly I still have my low moments but I try to check my clean time app and when I see how many continuous seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc that I have accumulated, it is a reminder that a momentary bump in the road is just that - momentary. It's an empowering feeling!
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