Old 01-01-2015, 06:01 PM
  # 21 (permalink)  
Self recovered Self discovered
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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Believers, non-believers, everyone who believes in themselves and their right to determine their own future, or at least to be present when the decisions are made, can get something out of this forum.

Raider, I have a strong Christian faith and I worship very regularly. I have a love and respect for things spiritual, and I support certain political movements. And I like pancakes. I just don't believe that these aspects of my makeup have much to do with my sobriety. As far as I am concerned, I am happy to discuss any of those subjects anytime. Fortunately the SR folks have provided a place where discussion of these and some other topics are actively discouraged. Instead, the focus here is on learning how to empower ourselves to make decisions about improving our lives. Like Dorothy, we believe we already have within us what we need to believe in ourselves, to empower ourselves and to demand lives with peace and joy in them.

You are most welcome here, but arguments about religion are not. You may find here what you are seeking too. I hope you keep posting.
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