Old 12-17-2014, 10:03 AM
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Wisconsin, USA
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Congrats on 3 days,and glad to hear you are taking steps to move forward with your sobriety.

As others have mentioned, for the most part no one cares if you are drinking or not, most people won't even notice quite frankly. We ( alcoholics ) are the only ones that obsess about it.

Your drinking buddies/social friends are a bit of a different story. You may need to re-evaluate your social activities. My personal experience when I first started out sober was that I assumed I would go hang out with the same people I had before in the same places ( bars mostly ) but just not drink. It was possible to do so but i learned very quickly that it wasn't going to last. I realized pretty quickly that drinking was really the only thing I had in common with those people, so not only did we have nothing to talk about, but it was kind of akward being around them while they got drunk. I have found there are many things to do ( more actually ) that don't involve drinking at all.

I'd also just give a word of caution....at only 3 days sober, hanging out around social drinkers may not be a good idea at all. It will be very, very tempting to have "just one"...and we know that can't happen.
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