Old 04-26-2005, 01:38 AM
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Don't get undies in a bunch
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There is a bible verse that tells of letting those who eat only vegtables be left in contentment of their small portions. (paraphrased)

I grew up in a church the spoke of the Holy Spirit but the depth of things was never brought forward. Once I started reading the bible and seeking the answers on my own...aside from what men would say they believed.... (looking outside of religion and going direct to God) I found a whole depth of things beyond anything I had ever been told of in my youth.
You say Schizophrenia and a depth of understanding.
I don't have Schizophrenia but I find a depth of understanding.
Where others dine on vegtables, I find I have a 7 course meal.
The baptisim of the Spirit. The reaching a point of Sanctification.
I have seen Miracles and felt a presence that many a time I felt that if I shared and told others about them, others may think I need see a Dr. Things beyond understanding where even though I have seen or felt them, even I questioned them at a point in time.
Where you say you have Schizophrenia and may also be feeling the indwelling of the Holy Spirit… maybe that is having you think the two are connected.
There is a guy at my church who has Schizophrenia but as of yet has he said to feel that indwelling.
Jesus said He would send the Counselor, the Intercessor, The Holy Spirit of God.
With His sending and filling my mind, heart, and soul, I have found life more abundant as Jesus told us.
For I have come to give you life and life more abundant.
Try looking at things from a singular standpoint. Look at your growth in things of the Spirit as being separate from other parts of your life. See what you find.
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