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Old 12-14-2014, 05:42 AM
  # 19 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 95
cellograndma -- Welcome! I am a grandmother as well, and I too use to drink wine every day -- usually a bottle by the end of the night. I was gaining so much weight. I just wanted you to know that I stopped drinking Thanksgiving day when I was standing in the kitchen with a glass of wine and my granddaughter (16 years old), looked at me across the room with a sad and angry look. I poured the wine out in the sink while she watched me and sat the empty glass on the counter where she could see it. Nothing was ever said, but later she walked over and gave me a genuine hug. That was it for me.

It's not easy, but I quit for the same reason you want to quit. I don't know but suspect I drank for the same reason you drink. I had a lot of stress in my life -- big time, life-threatening events that pushed me about as far as I thought I could go, but I had to keep going because I had to take care of first my own child and then later, my granddaughter. I used alcohol to keep me going.

I feel so much better since Thanksgiving and the weight is just dropping off of me. I have lost eight pounds doing nothing different except stopping the alcohol.

Stay with it!
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