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Old 11-08-2014, 10:51 PM
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Sowing the seeds...

Both as part of and in my recovery, three things are quite apparent.

One that I suffer the inherent disease/illness of alcoholism, that I adhere to simple Christian beliefs, not least in the God of my understanding. Whom may or may not be yours or anyone else's God. With which I take no issue.

Enhanced by fundamental Buddhist principles, which conflict with neither of he first two. Found in ,'The Four Noble Truths' and ,'The Eightfold Noble Path', together with the acceptance that all life is impermanence, and nothing lasts forever.

A philosophical approach combined with a good sense of humour also assists in addressing these matters.

All of which provide the foundation for my having all that I need, as opposed to what I want, avoiding the temptation for desire and lust, for anyone or anything.

None of which are to be taken to lightly or seriously. A balanced approach being necessary to avoid the trap of of trying to be all things to all men.

Better to retain my sobriety, honesty and integrity in being the person I believe I was always meant to be, my true self. Than to sow the seeds of what would ultimately lead to a course of action that would lead to my own destruction!

Which, to me, both in reality and in life itself, is what recovery is all about...
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