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Old 10-25-2014, 05:28 PM
  # 425 (permalink)  
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Northern California
Posts: 563
Hi Julyers -

Went back into the city today to have brunch with a different good friend. Had a good time. Coffees and water for both of us This friend is someone who is truly beautiful on the inside and out - she's quite a bit younger than me, but is an old soul. And her ex-husband was (and still is) addicted to Oxycontin (spelling?) So she has a great understanding of the codie portion of my life. It was good to catch up with her. Her current boyfriend is completely different from her husband, and she's really doing well.

"Ricardo" was supposed to go but he flaked out last night, the reason he gave was to get his hair cut (seriously, that was the reason.) Didn't miss him at all during brunch honestly. But he also managed to meet up with a close female friend of his today who happened to be in town and who I have not yet had a chance to meet. He knew and told me last week she was going to be in town - I've had brunch scheduled since the beginning of the month, but invited him to come along a few days ago at the suggestion of my friend who wanted to meet him, and he agreed to come to along. When I found out he met his friend I said "I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to meet her." He said his friend said the same about me. Then I asked if HE was sorry I didn't get a chance to meet her. Well that hit a nerve with him and he answered "yes, I don't understand why you're asking, what the problem is" and then he get's irritated with me. So I asked if he suggested maybe getting together for dinner so I could have met her, rather than meeting up with her when I was unavailable....he had some excuse about her being in town with her daughter and her daughter's friends blah blah blah....but under all the blah blah was that no, he didn't suggest a time to meet when I could be there. Now I don't think he's cheating on me or anything like that. But it still really pissed me off, because I really don't think he wanted me to meet her at all, and now I'm hearing about how my feelings are wrong.

Sorry for the rant. I just get really tired of being criticized for not expressing my feelings, and than being told my feelings are wrong when I try to. So I had to get this off of my chest.

Riduculous rant over. Back to our regularly scheduled sober programming.

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