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Old 10-08-2014, 01:24 PM
  # 19 (permalink)  
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The people who will blame you for his choices are not people whose opinions you need to concern yourself with. Your kids need a mom who is supported, safe, and able to focus on them. If you have to move to get that, then it's what you have to do.

I am an Adult Child of an Alcoholic. In our family, the Alcoholic came first. The rest of us made do with what we could get. As long as we catered to the Alcoholic, the Alcoholic did not have to change. Everyone's energy went into maintaining the status quo and so nothing ever got better. In fact, because alcoholism is progressive and because all of our maneuvering and side-stepping and eggshell-walking did nothing but feed us the illusion that we had any power over the alcoholic, things got worse. I can't help but think what a difference it would have made in our lives if one person had been courageous enough and strong enough to put their well-being ahead of the desires and needs of the Alcoholic, no matter how unpopular or misunderstood that decision would have been.

Sending you strength and courage.
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