Old 09-21-2014, 08:10 AM
  # 5 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: New York, NY
Posts: 4,677
Many of us shrink from the spotlight, creating our own personal, air-tight cocoons while drinking; others step out of the shadows in dramatic fashion.

At some future time, it's possible that the virtual entirety of our lives will be recorded in video form. Imagine watching yourself drinking in solitude for decades, night after night, in the same otherwise empty room. Or ripping off your clothes while screaming something unintelligible in public, ruining a reliable succession of holiday dinners, physically and/or verbally assaulting loved ones, being drunk at work, vomiting in the street, passing out and then waking up on your neighbor's lawn, driving while drunk, and the rest of it on multiple occasions.

I have some strong opinions and theories that I generally don't comment on here about things we do while we're drinking, but I'm fairly certain that these types of behaviors do not represent the things people want to do in order to attract attention.
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