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Old 09-20-2014, 06:37 AM
  # 209 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: New England, USA
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SoberLeigh - Wow, what a great trip. It's neat that you were there during a significant time politically. I have a neighbor who emigrated from Ukraine 15 years ago. She's been interesting to talk to this summer. I was thinking of you last week.

Casinva - Yesterday I felt inspired to "accept the things that cannot change" - the physical nature of my anxiety disorder. Acceptance has been a huge part of my recovery.

I also found "the courage to change the things I can" and take the therapeutic dose of my anxiety medication.

The result was immediate because it's a fast acting med. I calmly made it through a day at work feeding, changing, and rocking babies. I accomplished all the errands I hoped to during my break, comfortably and with a smile on my face. Then I went to a meeting and got some extra peace in my heart.

If I were not on the meds, I would have been uncomfortable at work. I would have completed half of the errands during my break, and felt panicky, blurry eyed, and tense the whole time. I'd have ignored my intuition and stayed home in the evening instead of go to the meeting.

Today, if I wasn't taking the meds, I would have a completely different day, planning it based on my fears instead of on the next right thing. I'd have shoved out of the house early with the husband and kids to do a work day at our pool club. Then we would have left together to go to one of the kids' sports practice. I'd have felt smothered and stifled the entire time. Instead husband went to the work day solo, I'm taking the kids to practice, and I'm stopping at a farmers market along the way.

I'm learning to live the life I want, in a large part because of the people I know on SR. Some I communicate with in real life, but most I don't, and that doesn't diminish the profound effect they have on my life.

My sponsor told me Im on a pink cloud. I don't know that I am. DSober probably knows more about that than I do. I know that when I am calm and connected to the world around me I feel like I'm going to be ok, in spite of all the things that are "wrong." I can access my gratitude and peace. When Im anxious and distracted, I struggle to stay in the moment.

Thanks all and have a good day.
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