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Old 09-19-2014, 01:17 AM
  # 137 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Dee74 View Post
I actually think you've gotten several great answers to your initial question..

Plenty of great input in the many pages of this thread

I've read your original thread for many years and I have to admit I often wondered what else is this guy doing for his recovery?

I'm not challenging you - only you can decide if you've really worked at recovery as distinct from simply not drinking.

But I know for myself, if I ever get the idea that a drink might be the answer to any given problem, I need to look harder, cos I know what drinking did to me.

The real gift of recovery for me was not stopping drinking - it was realising what life and I could be without drinking, and a little self - improvement.

You might like the idea of kicking back with a scotch, I've tried it enough to know thats just not the way I drink.

Maybe that's where the breakdown in communication is happening here.

You could drink and find out for yourself, or you could decide to solve your 'missing piece of the puzzle' life conundrum in other healthier ways.

I really hope you go for Door #2 mpr

Yes I have received some great answers and life experience from many people no doubt. I definitely appreciate people taking the time to reply.

I've got to say I didn't really do anything for recovery persay. I basically identified a problem and put a end to that, read up a bunch online, but really just kept busy and started living life sober, enjoying things I never did before.

I never could identify with most stereotypical alcoholics, ones I knew of, read about etc.. I just identified we share a common problem. To be honest alcohol rarely ever entered my mind in all these years, a month or two into my sobriety I went to party's etc.. around friends who were drinking and never felt compelled to partake, just got bored really. As little as a few months ago I've been around similar scenario, I'll shoot the **** a bit, chit chat and than call it a night head home, again no craving. If anything I think what they are doing is silly, mostly do to the excess involved.

I am attempting to find the missing piece of the puzzle like you said. So far in years past I never gave my own addictive personality the credit it deserves, not saying it is the sole reason of my problems but it may play a larger role than I knew.

I appreciate the reply and I will keep searching, not sure what I am looking for but I am looking. I can't say I wont try a drink to see what happens but if I do I will have to own that along with the consequences, good or bad.
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