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Old 09-15-2014, 11:12 PM
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to die while alive

There is a suggestion in Zen Buddhism that we should,

' Die while alive,

Thoroughly die,

Then do just as we will,

and all is right.' Shido Bunan Zenji

Which I interpret as follows, to 'Die whilst alive', simply refers to the mental rather than the physical state, in which our state of mind or sense of being lies.

To ,'Thoroughly die' means ridding our minds of the fear and apprehension that exists in all of us about the past, present and future.

'Then just do as we will' simply means that in doing so, we can release our inherent 'buddha nature' i.e. our ability to do good, living each moment in the present, no matter what we're doing whether it is for ourselves or others, no matter how big or small the task. Including the idea of being good to others and good to ourselves in a loving, compassionate way.

'and all is right' suggests in doing so we become our true selves, just as we were meant to be before we were even born.

Hence the koan (riddle) ,'Show me your true face before you even me your parents?'

I think as an alternative to dying whilst alive, which is surely what I and many others who suffer the disease/illness of alcoholism, in their 'drinking days', my own lasting about 30 years, is as good as an alternative, in recovery, you can get and insobriety an even better way of living!

Complimenting any other way of recovery, in or out of A A....

The text 'Die while alive' can be found in Soko Morinaga's book, 'Novice to Master - An Ongoing Lesson in The Extent of My Own Stupidity,' the latter describing me and my life perfectly...
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