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Old 09-04-2014, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by freshstart57 View Post

International Doctors in Alcoholics Anonymous (IDAA) found that 80% believed that alcoholism is simply bad behavior
I enjoyed your post freshstart

as mentioned somewhere "nothing new under the sun"

with this I agree and believe it is just fine to call being a drunkard
just as in the old days -- a sinner

bad behavior = sin for many who believe


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BAD, a.[Heb. to perish or destroy]

1. Ill; evil; opposed to good; a word of general use, denoting physical defects and moral faults, in men and things; as a bad man, a bad heart, a bad design, bad air, bad water, bad books.
2. Vicious; corrupt; depraved, in a moral sense; as a bad life; a bad action.
3. Unwholesome; as bad provisions.
4. Unfortunate; unprosperous; as a bad state of affairs.
5. Unskillful; as a bad player.
6. Small; poor; as a bad crop.
7. Infirm; as a bad state of health.
8. Feeble, corrupt, or oppressive; as a bad government.
9. Hurtful; pernicious; as, fine print is bad for the eyes.
10. Unfavorable; as a bad season.

11. Poor; sterile; as a bad soil.


BEHA'VIOR, n. behavyur. [See Behave.]

Manner of behaving, whether good or bad; conduct; manners; carriage of one's self, with respect to propriety, or morals; deportment. It expresses external appearance or action; sometimes in a particular character; more generally in the common duties of life; as, our future destiny depends on our behavior in this life. It may express correct or good manners, but I doubt whether it ever expresses the idea of elegance of manners,without another word to qualify it.

To be upon one's behavior, is to be in a state of trial, in which something important depends on propriety of conduct. The modern phrase is, to be or to be put, upon one's good behavior.

Last edited by Dee74; 09-04-2014 at 10:01 PM.
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