Thread: disheartened
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Old 08-30-2014, 11:13 PM
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Originally Posted by spia View Post
Thank you for all of you who took the time to decipher my ramblings. I think today was a day of worry for me. And I find that I worry I start to operate out of fear. And one I'm in that mind set it becomes so easy to be negative. You've all given me great advice and have helped me clear my mind. Thank you for that. Thank you for the honest responses to my questions, worries, and fears. I am very grateful. And, yes, is becoming clearer and clearer that I have as much of not more work to do to provide myself with healing. Again, how very kind of you ask to step up.
If you find you get stuck in a negative and anxious and fearful mindset, maybe give a listen to Joe Dispenza. You can find him on YouTube.

He talks a lot about mindset and creating your life and reality, and how it impacts you.

He does a good job connecting his ideas with physics.

Do I believe in magic, and that if you simply think of something you want, then - POOF! - it will appear in your life?


But I do think that the law of attraction is at work in our lives, and that being stuck in a fearful, anxious, negative mindset destroys opportunities, and blinds us to them.

Also, it sends a cascade of feel-bad chemicals flooding into the body.

Likewise, good thoughts send feel-good chemicals into our cells.

I don't believe in getting anything without some work, or that by thinking happy thoughts our problems magically disappear, but I do think it opens doors, changes your perspective, and is encouraging/gives us strength from within.

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