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Old 08-27-2014, 02:51 PM
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Free your mind
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: New England, USA
Posts: 174
Exclamation Kratom Addiction is no Joke

Hello all,

I started off using powdered kratom in what I thought was a responsible manner about 2 1/2 years ago. About a year later I found myself using almost every day - sometimes every day. I still felt like I had some control over things. Any WDs I got were very mild, doable.

Early this year I made the stupid decision to switch to something called kratom Full Spectrum Tincture with the hopes that it would be easier on me than chugging down multiple piles of plant matter each go. Little did I know this would be such a painful mistake. Despite my attempts to use it responsibly (ha!), tolerance shot up like a rocket and I found that I was experiencing strong, opiate like WDs if I did not get a dose every 3 hours or so. I soon realized I was a slave to this stuff, but I was too scared of the WDs to quit.

Eventually I decided I needed to simply pay the piper if I wanted to live. I truly believe this stuff was not only ruining my life but literally slowly killing me. I took a prolonged leave from work and decided to go cold turkey when my mom was visiting to help with some home renovations. I didn't want to be alone.

The first 4 days were a nightmare - violent restless legs/arms, insomnia mixed in with brief periods of bizarre waking dreams, body aches from head to toe, chills, diarrhea, anxiety. I rubbed my inner knees raw from jerking my legs around so much. The body aches, coldness, and RLS hung around for about 10 days. I am now at day 13 and most of the physical stuff has passed, but the severe, crippling anxiety as well as insomnia is lingering. I know this too will pass as my brain repairs itself - but it is rough.

Anyhow, I know I went on too long but I just want to send my support to anyone out there going through kratom addiction, withdrawal, or recovery. It's not a joke, please don't let anyone minimize the suffering you are going through. Please do tough it out, though. You are worth it. Thanks for listening.
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