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Old 08-09-2014, 02:32 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 638
Identity of the av

When in recovery and experiencing recovery symptoms and paws, when the brain heals, an addict's imagination can be wound in many directions. And it can all feel so real.

The addictive voice is termed as the enemy by other alcoholics who have gone through recovery, AVRT and also a common invented idea of the "addictive devil", the dark or the beast side.

I'm beginning to think that while it is true that recovery takes a lot of work and effort and the cravings are to any addict real as hell, there is still a lot of misconception about the theme of the av.

What is often overlooked is that alcohol, by nature causes certain identifiable changes in the user's brain function. This includes paranoia, especially of an unidentified threat, and has to do with brain chemistry, how it can arouse "fear" and the nervous system. By this mechanism, a person in recovery may experience things and thoughts differently than a normal person would. This unidentified threat often becomes the av, the addictive voice, and in the wild imagination caused by recovery symptoms and possibly stress, it gains a personality of its own and it seems that it has a real, and evil personality of its own. It feels like that... The point still is that it is most likely caused by the persons paranoid stressed experience, where the mind or brain is seeking for an enemy that doesn't exist and the imagination gives out a helping hand and proves it over and over that there is such. You've found it, an evil addictive voice.

Just some thoughts...
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