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Old 08-05-2014, 05:33 PM
  # 441 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Feb 2013
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Hi Babs! Good one sneaking in with the funny one liner. Hahaha!

Still pretty dullsville around here but I don't mind.

I'm with the group Sass. I think you have a whole ton of sober years a head of you.

I didn't hear of an explosion Marcher but I'll watch for a tsunami that you may have started with the bursting of pride over DD. Im landlocked so I should be okay.

Better day at work...for me anyway. I just hid in my office all day working. But I guess the owner and the IT woman got into a huge yelling fit which resulted in her walking out...last seen flashing a certain finger at a certain person. Glad I missed that one. Small company so my guess is there will be a cooling off day, a meet for coffee and I'm sorry day and then back to normal. If she plays it right she will get a promotion and a I did. Except I exited graciously with no yelling or finger waving so she may have missed her opportunity on that one. Always leave them wishing you weren't leaving...not glad you are. Haha.

I learned that on what not to do when drunk. I'm pretty sure most people were glad to see me leave then. Double haha.


Oh oh..was over at man friends last night and after dinner I'm plopped on the couch reading and posting on here and he asks me "what are you doing". I said talking to my cyber friends. Mind your own business. Lol. He said you have cyber friends? I said yes. Lots. From all over the world. He said oh. Good for you. And that was that. He cracks me up.
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