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Old 07-22-2014, 01:18 PM
  # 293 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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Thanks, TOD. yes, I have my hula hoop on as well as my big girl panties. It's the main reason I'm still clean and sober.

Bev wanted to downplay my current job, but I kept telling her that it seems almost everyone I talk to has a family member with dementia and they always tell me "I don't know how you do it". She finally realized that I do a job the majority of people can't do so we just made it more reflective of that.

I'm good at what I do, but I do it from the heart. I've never dealt with TWO people at opposite ends of the dementia spectrum. Mr. C will end up in a nursing home or die. Mrs. C may have a heart attack or stroke because she is in denial of her own dementia, refuses to take meds and is a control freak.

As soon as I get my resume where I want it, I am going to apply for every job I am remotely qualified for. A job will come, I just have to be patient. As my old AA friends used to tell me, "God didn't bring me this far to dump me on my head"

Hugs and prayers,

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