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Old 07-21-2014, 06:10 AM
  # 12 (permalink)  
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: C.C. Ma.
Posts: 3,697
Hi. I happen to use AA since before the internet successfully. I go to noon time meeting about 3-5 times a week where fairly often there are 7-10 of us with more than 10 years some of which have + 40 years. Then there are those with 10-30 years but I don’t question people about their sobriety time so it varies.
I will agree that many ways lead down the path to sobriety and into long term recovery IF we embrace them and work daily towards recovery.
The thing that scares me with any program that we follow is the attitude of too many: “ I don’t like this or that, that part’s not for me, I’ll do as little as possible and pay no attention to the rest and on and on.”
Recovery is work and taking the slackers way is inviting personal disaster. As example, investigate the recovery rates of any program. The programs work it’s the people who don’t.

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