Old 07-09-2014, 05:21 PM
  # 110 (permalink)  
Join Date: May 2014
Location: ohio
Posts: 103
Thanks Brazilian. I am trying to get my life together. I've turned in applications so hopefully I can find something soon. I have had a lot of help from my grandparents which I am endlessly grateful for and I help them work on their house. I have been waking up earlier which is still kind of difficult for me as I am a night owl but I feel happier when I get more sun. What a catch 22 huh? lol But foneho it will get better just keep staying strong and if you need a distraction I find hobbies help. Right now I'm reading but I crochet, play video games, write just find something you like. I also started exercising which is also a great way to reduce stress and anxiety I recommend finding a partner as I know how hard it is to do it on your own. Me and my fiance have been doing it together it makes it much easier when you have that support system. Good luck.
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