Thread: Court tomorrow
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Old 07-09-2014, 06:32 AM
  # 45 (permalink)  
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SP, don't ask your AH what his attorney is saying. It is going to be a bunch of malarkey anyways, why cause yourself any more anxiety?

Stay the course. Look for another job. If your son's dad has not stuck to his end of the agreement either I would not worry about it. My attorney cautioned me on this. Said to stick to what is in our agreement b/c if I did not my X could go to court and say we never stuck to it anyways, and it's likely a judge may not enforce it then. I would say that is just what would happen w/you too. If he would take you to court, show up, tell the truth. That's it. You cannot give $ you don't have.

You are a strong and good person. Continue to be that person.

Tight Tight Hugs.
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