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Old 06-25-2014, 05:43 PM
  # 75 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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Afternoon Hen House!

TB: You see all those blocks with the ropes on them? Jethro had the tents securely tied down. That's two large pop up tents put together! We had five sectioned off areas inside them for the kids. I keep all the kids separated so there isn't any fighting going on between them. Between the tents, skirting, netting, blocks, tarps, etc.? That's close to $800.00 there that got smashed to smithereens! What happened was two large limbs from trees on the opposite sides of the tent came crashing down on to the tents. One limb on it's way down hit another limb and both of them crashed on to the tent. It was caused by a lot of rain and strong winds. And to top the mess off! They were limbs from gumball trees. There were hundreds of gumballs on the ground by the time we got it all cleaned up! ARGH! I didn't know Martha Mae was still outside in the rain! And the tin roof on this room was like sitting inside a cement truck with the tank turning. So I didn't hear her squealing outside underneath all that stuff! Jethro heard her when he got home from work. He went out and released her. She made a mad dash for the door and straight into her cage. So now y'all know why she doesn't DO storms!

This will give you an idea on how far apart the trees were when the first limb came down. It's the tree on the right.

Jethro's in this picture! Mr Take care of business! Already got the chainsaw in hand and is cutting limbs off the larger limb.

That tarp in the back coming off my barn roof will look like a flying kite flapping in the wind when the wind gets to blowing strongly around here! UMP used to tease us about all the hooks and bungi cords we use around here to keep things anchored down. LOL

Chicory: Oh Marvin knows he wasn't lost! He just got caught out in the storm! So he picked a spot (wherever that was) and stayed still. The problem is though! If it had continued raining after the sun went down. He would have been stuck there all night long, unless we found him. And that would not have been a good thing! There are all sorts of critters roaming around the yard after dark that would love to make a meal out of him.

Jethro was out the other night with rifle and powerful flashlight looking for the pack of coyotes hollering close by. Magnum was with him. Magnum took off like a bullet and snatched a possum hiding behind a tree. He brought it back to Jethro's feet and dropped it. It was dead by the time he dropped it. I told Jethro he couldn't call him a "P/s/s/y" anymore! He agreed with me for a change. I told him to go get him a treat and give him lots of praise. He did just that!

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