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Old 06-24-2014, 04:33 PM
  # 401 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: East Coast, The States
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Originally Posted by freein14 View Post
Grateful that I saw three alpacas in the field this morning, I've not seen them there before, they made me smile.
I had to look up what alpacas were.... oh my goodness! How wonderful! It's like Dr Doolittle!

Grateful I found another toy that has kept my mischievous dog occupied for hours as I have had a headache most of the day. Grateful having ruled out many causes I think I have narrowed it down to eyestrain as evidenced by the drugstore granny glasses I now wear as I write this!

Grateful when I could feel myself getting panicked at work today about more unwelcome changes that are coming, I paused and took a breath, and recited in my head the many things I am grateful for.

Grateful if I have to rest again tonight then that's what I must do. It is a drag not feeling like myself, but, at least I am not hungover or being avoidant or laying around drinking!!

Grateful to reflect that if changes come my way that I do not like then maybe it is time for me to make some changes of my own.

Grateful for all of you, very much. Coming here morning and night makes a huge difference in my life. Thank you, for all you share in your posts. It really helps me.
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