Old 06-14-2014, 11:04 AM
  # 118 (permalink)  
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 13
Oh lord.. shameful, horrible things.

In no particular order:

-Didn't want to go to work, so tore up my own face so I could make an excuse like I was robbed. Got fired because apparently I "smelled like a distillery"

- Ran around my friend's house completely naked because it was too hot. I don't remember this at all.

- Woke up next to women I don't remember

- Woke up next to a man.. twice... wtf?

- Lots of unprotected sex

- Spent ENDLESS amounts of money on booze

- My GF at the time wasn't picking up the phone so in protest I got a kitchen knife and cut my arm open, and sent her the picture. She sent it to my friend who lived 7 blocks away and he almost broke my door down and took me to the ER. As he was getting me out of the house I did drugs and had to finish a huge gulper of vodka before I went. Im so embarrassed about that. AT THE HOSPITAL I was hitting on the doctor, and making her extremely uncomfortable. Then I was hitting on the nurse.. 6 stitches later...

- One night listened to music in my old apt, and downstairs neighbor banged up. It was 2 am, and I was in such a drunken rage, I remember standing up on my table and jumping down onto the floor to shake her out of her sleep. I wrote a 8 page handwritten letter to her and shoved it under her door, and rang her bell for 20 seconds at almost 3 am.

- Woken up in strange places, in strange positions, and almost always lied, talked for hours about nonsense the night before, or pretended to be someone I wasn't, only to have to deal with the lies and BS the next day.

- Usual text message and phone call horror you look at the next day.

The sad thing about all this is, it just makes you want to drink more... or at least I did back then... The guilt and shame and loss of dignity is a very hard hurdle to overcome, although threads like this help get it out, so it does help.

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