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Old 04-20-2014, 08:21 AM
  # 385 (permalink)  
biminiblue's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 25,373
KF, my only job every day is staying sober. #1 Priority Above All Else.

I was called on in an AA meeting on Thursday, I'm not big on sharing in meetings but the subject was Fear, and that's something on which I happen to be an expert.

Worrying about yesterday, or ten years ago? Yep, that was me.

Worrying about tomorrow, or ten years from now? Yep, raises hand, Ms. Future-Trippin' right here.

Worrying about stuff that isn't really stuff, or over which I have no control? Check, BTDT.

I read somewhere that the brain is designed to solve problems. If there aren't any actual problems in front of it, the brain will go looking for stuff to solve. That really made sense to me. Therefore, stay busy, Bim!

As far as my sobriety, I shared that right now I'm trying to Keep It Simple. 1.) I'm not picking up a drink. 2.) I'm going to meetings. 3.) I'm spending a few minutes every morning in prayer or reading a devotional reading. 4.) I have a Gratitude list, and I add to it every evening.

If I try to make it any more complicated than that, it will just give me something in which I can slip up or fail. Right now I just want to be all about success. I can do those four things every day. That's it. Not adding anything to that list right now.
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