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Old 02-19-2014, 04:58 AM
  # 40 (permalink)  
Living and Loving Life at Last
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Join Date: Aug 2012
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Dottie, I'm glad work is going well, and I would say you are definitely not being complacent about urges, you have considered the times they would usually kick in, so just be glad that as yet, you have not felt any. I really do believe in the adage ' Forewarned is forearmed' it has helped me a lot recently to recognise my cravings for what they are, and give me the impetus to fight them. You have obviously, if unintentionally, used alcohol to sleep before when working, perhaps setting an alarm to go off at a reasonable time in the evening to put down your pen and do some relaxation exercises and maybe use an app to sleep.

DG, I'm glad the headache is better, as for the heartache, hon, I'm still not too sure what your expectations are from your long distance 'crush'. Do you talk or only text? Is there a plan to meet up? I just wonder if you are over investing in a remote possibility because you are unable as yet to confront what you to with current bf. You are worth so much more than either of these relationships, I believe that for your sake as well as theirs you must begin to sort things out. I feel you will be in an emotional turmoil until you do.

BF, what has got you down? I know you have been working more hours, and I'm sure all the stress of the new mortgage and bills is telling. Remember also that you can expect mood swings in the first months. I'm so glad you wrote here and read your book, I have to admit to being concerned that you "wasn't going to bother checking in here" when the last time you slipped you realised the need to be here more. I feel that if you are taking today and tomorrow off, invest the time wisely in reminding yourself how far you have come in your fight, what a strong wonderful young woman you are. Think of all the things you are achieving in your sobriety, that you would not have managed sober. There is nothing to miss about alcohol, it is poison pure and simple, poisons the body, the mind, the heart and your life. And you my sweet, are worth so very much more than that.

Gilmer, how is your friend doing? You are so supportive here, I can only imagine what a comforting understanding friend you are in the flesh.

Courage, how are you doing today? Still 'fine'? Or did you find something to punch?

Dax, sounds like you have quite a history there, we have a few AA adherents here and some who have slips after years sober. It would be interesting, when you feel ready to hear more. It certainly does sound like an intensive program, no wonder you are tired!

Oh Dottie, I wished I could believe that spring was around the corner, I have to say I am heartily sick of snow! Tough the sunshine in between is welcome, I think any more dreich Scottish days and I would have developed ricketts! I think it's above freezing today ( I still function in centigrade ) so I hope to get out shopping. I'm not a shopper at heart, but I have to buy some dress shoes for NYC I daren't leave it til we arrive incase I don't find any. I have awkward feet!

Happy Hump Day everyone xx
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