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Old 02-16-2014, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Hopefulpromise View Post
Dear Goose One,

Your post gives me so much insight while trying to help my brother who has been addicted to alcohol for the past 5 years. During this time he lost his business, his family, his house, and his hope. For the past five years I have tried to support him emotionally and financially despite everyone telling me that I was only making matters worse. Things came to a head yesterday when he hit rock bottom and starting talking about how he could battle this addiction no longer. He made several references to giving up and was highly intoxicated to the point of not even being able to sit up in a chair. I made the heartbreaking decision to 302 him yesterday and it was by far the most wrenching thing I have ever done. I just want my brother back. I know and truly believe that every time he says he is going to quit he means it with all his heart, but his addiction always wins when morning breaks. How could I get him to see that rehab is his only way out? He has tried it his way with family support for five years. It just doesn't work for him but he is strongly opposed to rehab, although he has remorse today he said he will not go to rehab but will go to meetings. Will this work or am allowing my bling hope to fool me once again. If you have any suggestions, any thing I could say to him to get him to see the light I will be forever grateful.
Hi Cathy - I can only imagine how difficult it must be to watch your brother, a loved one go through his addiction with alcohol. As Mags said, "you are an amazing and special person." I am not a professional in the health field. In my opinion I can really only tell you my experiences and what I believe. If you can believe; my wife of today has stood by me for 32 years, marrying into my addiction. Over the years my wife would try to get me to take a look at myself. Years ago, the Marine Corps tried to help me with a rehab stint. For the most part, the education, the principles, the steps and different ways to recovery of this addiction are true. I don't believe there are any magic words that can make one change. However, you say some things that IMO should give you much hope that your brother can change. And should be his hope whether he realizes it or not! It took me awhile at the end of my drinking to actually say "enough is enough." It's funny, dealing with life's situations today, when I whine about someone or something that is bothering me. My wife reminds me, that we are not all made from the same cookie cutter. In the end, I hated drinking, I hated myself for drinking and I hated the person I had to look at in the mirror for drinking. Mirrors don't lie! You say your brother said he wants to quit, that he said he is giving up and he had remorse. IMO this is good - it shows he knows something is wrong and he has a problem. There is Hope for your brother ! You are the greatest of sisters'. I'm thinking by what happened with your brother, you are no longer an enabler to him. I feel this is a good thing. Continue to love and encourage him to seek Sobriety. That it saddens you when you see him drunk. Your love and hope is going to win out in your struggle with your brother's addiction. It's going to be up to your brother to see the light. Help him to see the truth in himself. The truth will help set him free. My prayers go with you. Again HopefulPromise; you are one "Awesome" Sister to your brother. He is very fortunate to have you. Goose
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