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Old 01-17-2014, 12:06 AM
  # 64 (permalink)  
Living and Loving Life at Last
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Join Date: Aug 2012
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DD it's totally understandable you would be disappointed, but I love that you are owning the cause and not looking around to spread the blame. Too many people in normal situations refuse to own their own shortcomings or failings and blame it too easily on anything but the root cause- themselves! Now that drinking and Ill health are no longer an issue, you will surge forward workwise for sure. And even if others may be promoted before you, they will reach the ceiling of their abilities and you will surpass them.
As for LaLa land, it is good to attend meetings in totally different places, who knows what contacts you might make. ( yes I know AA isn't about glad handing, but it is an opportunity.) I know you will be fine, even if you mother worries ( it's her job, and you haven't been sober for long enough or been put in potentially risky situations enough for her concerns to be eased)
I hope you both enjoy the coffee date, no one can reach adulthood without issues, and I feel depression is a condition of the 21st century, so many of us suffer. It in a variety of intensities and for many reasons. I'm sure you will be caring and thoughtful, and very aware as to whether there is a potential for a relationship or to run for the hills!
You are such a grounded person, I am so glad you didn't manage to self destruct with booze, the world would be a lesser place for not having you in it.

Hi Dee, can I come get some of your lovely normal warmth? The rain is battering down on my roof just now - quelle sūprise! Britain is turning into a quagmire as Australia is melting and North America is a Popsicle! I have developed trench foot, and any brown patches are rust, not tan!
Well, another busy day in Tootsville, but I managed 6 hours sleep last night so feeling a bit better.
I hope all my Marching friends have a lovely Friday and a super weekend
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