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Old 01-16-2014, 10:00 PM
  # 62 (permalink)  
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Probably my living room. Maybe my bedroom if I'm feeling lazy
Posts: 1,085
Work news:

1. Not getting promoted this year. I got great reviews for the last 6 month period, but because I missed so much time, first for rehab and then for the surgery, that they want to just see more of my work on a consistent basis. I'm a little disappointed. I understand where they're coming from, but it sucks that everyone else will get promoted except me. Feels like I'm getting left behind a year in school. I don't really care about the money, as I'll likely get a raise anyway, and I make more than enough. It's more of a pride thing that someone 10 years younger than me, with less experience and less technical knowledge will get promoted ahead of me. Next year, I guess. This is a consequence of my drinking and I must take it in stride.

2. I just got asked tonight to work on a project in L.A. for the next month. My mom is freaking out. She thinks flying will affect my hips (I don't know about that), and that I'm at risk for relapse (she thinks that about everything). I know I can find meetings out there. I still have my Philly support system in place and I'm sure I can meet some people in L.A. to talk to. As far as the health concerns, I will try to talk to my surgeon tomorrow. I don't even want to go out there, but in light of my review, I think I need to prove that I'm a durable asset to the company.

Life news:

1. I have a coffee date on Sunday with a normie. Met her online. She seems to have her life together but has admitted to some issues like depression. She knows I'm in recovery. We're just going to take things very slow and I'll keep my antenna up for red flags.

North - Come back to Philly with your husband and I'll buy you two some Primo's hoagies!

Toots - Congrats on 10 months!

LTP - You know I'm pulling for you. You've done enough thinking and contemplating. It's all just about putting it into action.

Marcher, LTP and Dee - word on the street is that it is so hot, athletes are hallucinating at the Australian Open! Hope you guys stay cool!

Babs, Duff, Sass, Gilmer, Ken, Wehav, and Meso - love you guys!
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