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Old 01-12-2014, 10:36 AM
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Adventures In SpaceTime
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Originally Posted by somedumbkid View Post
I'm about seven days sober right now and while I have a long way to come I do not want another vacation to be ruined by booze.

I am just afraid the minute I get there I am going to be showered in delicious tropical beverages in coconuts and I just wont be able to say no.

Any advice?
Yeah, I do have some advice - You CAN say no to drinking alcoholic beverages. My wife and I have been to island resorts in St.Lucia and Antigua and they couldn't care less if you drink or not because its already all paid for in advance anyways. They do care if your enjoying yourself since tourism is their bread n butter and they really want you to have a great time so you'll come again and bring and tell all your friends too, lol.

Seriously. They really don't care. In fact, many of them are tired of dealing with guests who are drunk, believe me. We had no difficulty in having them understand we don't do alcohol. As soon as they saw our huge smiles as we said no alcohol, they just served us what whatever we ordered no problems.

Of course, if a guy makes it look like he wants to have that drink, wants to be part of the drinking crowd, longing for it, then they won't care about a guy drinking either. Why should they?

Some of these island all inclusive vacations can really cost, and when you drop like $20,000 you can believe that whatever you want done will be as you ask, lol. It really comes down to are you having a great time in the sun or are you freaking out?

Smile your way thru it all, and forget about the alcohol, if you decide to follow thru and go. Usually with only a week left, you'll get absolutely no refund on your investment if you opt out.

Serious choices. I just want you to know from me your in charge of YOU at seven days as well as at any future days in your sober journey. If no doesn't mean no now, then when will it?

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