Old 12-29-2013, 05:16 PM
  # 15 (permalink)  
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Upstate New York
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Actually, based on my own experience in recovery and on what I've seen with the people I sponsor/have sponsored, the only thing that can -- and most certainly does -- truly affect people's willingness to do the work is whether or not they have gotten to and have recognized and accepted that they've gotten to a place of hopeless demoralization...a place where they truly 'know' -- physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually -- that they are absolutely and totally S.O.L. and that they are powerless to help themselves.

When I was in that place, I didn't give a d*mn whether God existed or not, whether I believed in God or not, whether I understood God or not, whether I thought God cared about me and wanted to help me or not...All I knew was that the misery needed to stop, and I was willing to hope like hell that there was something out there a lot greater than me (i.e. way-beyond human) and to do everything I could possibly do to get the attention and help of whatever that thing might be.

Not believing in Higher Power is a 'luxury' that can be afforded only by people who cling to illusion of personal power and control...which brings us to the anti-God movement issue. Somebody up-thread said something about the anti-God movement being regional. LOL! I guess that might be true if one were to consider ivory-tower-intellectual-elitism a 'region'. I do know that there have been a lot of books published over the last few years supposedly 'disproving' the existence of God, and that they've been getting quite a lot of press.

It actually kinda blows my mind that anybody takes this stuff seriously. I mean, really? Talk about clinging to the illusion of personal power and control: If there was a God, some big human brain would be able to prove (or disprove) His existence and understand Him (since a lot of these anti-God things lean heavily on the b*llsh*t about how-could-a-loving-God-allow......w-h-a-t-e-v-e-r.....).


In that set-up the human intellect is the ultimate power in the universe...and, I'm sorry, but I need a God A LOT bigger than that...As far as I'm concerned if it's puny enough for me -- or any other human being -- to be able to fully understand it and to be able to prove (or disprove) it's existence, then it's nowhere near big enough to be God.

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