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Old 12-20-2013, 06:10 PM
  # 79 (permalink)  
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Join Date: May 2013
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Posts: 211
Day 2 almost over. I do not want to drink so doing okay with that. Just still feeling guilt over the day I did drink after 9 days sober. I started drinking at 1 in the afternoon and drank all day until I passed out.I was suppose to pick my granddaughter up from work that day. Needless to say I was a no show. Woke up horrified at 4am and ran to my phone and saw that she had called me. OMG..My daughter just thinks that I fell asleep and thankfully she went to go get her since I wasn't answering my phone. I feel so bad that I did that. I just hope now I can use the experience to tell myself that I can NEVER drink safely again. Just needed to share that and get it off my chest. I feel so much better not drinking!
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