Old 12-16-2013, 01:34 AM
  # 5 (permalink)  
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 5
Thanks for the post Sara23. Great job making the conscious choice to put down the drink at the christmas party and pick up a water. You're body thanks you for that choice. The people in your life who give a hard time about not drinking are often just trying to justify their own choice to drink. I know when I quit drinking, I started to realize that the activity I did the most with the bulk of my close friends was go to pubs and drink. When I stopped I would still go out with them and I would tell them I wasn't drinking but they would still buy me drinks and place them in front of me as if I was denying my true self. Also when I told some drinking buddies that I thought I had a problem with alcohol they would respond as if I were lying to them, they didn't believe me, they would buy drinks essentially challenging me to prove it. But i have found that if you stay strong and stick to your guns those friends develop a new type of respect for you and may even begin to question their own peer pressuring behavior. Again, great job on putting down the drink. Stay strong, you can do it!
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