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Old 11-16-2013, 06:28 PM
  # 443 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by jdooner View Post
Curious about recovery programs. I have been in AA and working the steps but considering beginning AVRT. The principles are opposed so its one or the other. Curious what others in the class are using.
JD, I have never done too well with AA in general - all the "rules", the labeling, the requirement to admit powerlessness, and the emphasis on "time". The higher power actually doesn't bother me and I have found some tools that are useful from the program. But, I have this overarching feeling that they suck you in like a cult until your new addiction, friends, family, and even jargon - are all AA. I used to leave meetings with such a bleak outlook, like "is this what the rest of my life is going to be? Made me want a drink actually.

This time around I have used SR to reinforce my need to quit drinking, in combination with AVRT to recognize when the voice is calling to me and how to block it. SR helps because by being on here once or twice a day I get a lot of reminders that help me stay sober. The act of sharing our knowledge by posting is a form of service, and I believe we all want to feel part of a group, so the cohort concept as embodied by the class threads works really well. I really feel part of this group and it helps me feel responsible.

That being said, I have always been spiritual and talked to God, if not always daily. During this recovery effort I did ask God to relieve me of the craving. And he/she listened. I feel it is very important that we learn to recognize that it isn't all us doing the work. Learning to be grateful. I had at least two or three serendipitous events early on where I had actually caved and was headed for a drink, and something odd foiled my plans just long enough for me to come to my senses. I attribute it to the grace of God.
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