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Old 10-23-2013, 10:00 AM
  # 179 (permalink)  
lommey's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: northern ireland
Posts: 649
Soo much has happened Dee good to have you back.
Renarde hope the new job went well
Rochele hope your sons had a better day. Have you finished cleaning yet.
Black get you've got in with some AA members might see you at a meeting. Love that your family cares .Keep your chin up.
Fish I love your boat
Kaneda hope your feeling better.Im in the self pity mode now
Every time I meet the x ( still sleeps here) I try to be nice then I come out with something stupid like do I need to go and see a solicitor (going to visit daughter in Scotland) before I go away in case you change the locks. He just looks at me as if im mad and says why would I do that but you go if it makes you feel happy. Why do I keep coming out with hurtful s*** like this? I need to stop but its out there before I can stop myself. I think I am mad
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