Old 10-22-2013, 10:38 AM
  # 5 (permalink)  
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Ontario
Posts: 66
I was like that too. People used to rail into me all the time "You know how you get when you're drunk, why do you drink so much? You should have learned your lesson by now."

I would never learn my lesson. I will never be able to consistently moderate. Had to quit entirely. I'll share something that helps me.

This weekend is my birthday. My AV is telling me that it's my birthday, I am expected to celebrate with all my friends and "get wasted" as they would on their birthday. At first glance this seems like a great idea. But I've learned to identify this as alcoholic thinking. And then I make myself "play out the tape"

Sure I may drink and for the first little while, I may even enjoy myself. But I will quickly enter a black out. Not only could I ruin my birthday, I will ruin the time and fun of everyone around me. I could be kicked out (perhaps banned) from wherever I am. I could wake up with such a bad hangover that I'm out of commission for a few days; puking, shakes, too sick to move all the good stuff. I will be throwing away then past (almost 3) months of sobriety. All the progress. I will disappoint myself and most importantly I will be arrogantly thinking I am in control of my drinking - when I know I'm not.

There is so much that could and WOULD happen to me - all negative - if I picked up. It's not worth the risk. Not when living sober has proven to be so much more enjoyable and important. Play the whole tape. Avoid social situations that involve drinking.
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