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Old 10-12-2013, 11:01 AM
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jaynie04's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2012
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Hi, I grew up in another town outside of Boston that starts with a W, known for it's hardcore prison (oh and I played Violet Beaureregard in a 5th grade school play so I guess there is karma in the air)!

You are in the hard part right now, hang in there. It will pass, most cravings last about 5 minutes.

Can you go for a walk? Our minds have built in advertising departments. Did you notice how you didn't just mention beer, but "pumpkin beer". It's that scary alcoholic voice that reminds us of drinks to match the season. Amazing how we forget the hangovers, crawling to the bathroom in the middle of the night, night sweats, saying I will never never do this again.

If you want to cry, cry! Jump around, scream. Withdrawal does s**ck, big time. You have 9 days. It might come in waves but you can do this.

Don't chase that golden egg down the garbage chute Verruca!! I'll be over here chewing my blueberry gum!

Rooting for ya!
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