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Old 10-09-2013, 05:12 PM
  # 458 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jul 2012
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Congrats on 7 months, Budd and Marcher!!!!!!! Yay, you both rock, sober twins! Sober twins... form of.... air fresheners in Shoes' car! Activate! ok, way to digress while showing my age...

Can my scent be cinnamon roll? Yummmmm. Speaking of yummm, this diet thing has been ok, just started it Monday. today I couldn't break away for lunch until 3:00 though so I got a little hungry/cranky. then tonight's dinner really sucked. this is a short term diet designed by a friend of a friend who is a body builder/nutritionist. it's meant to be done for 8 - 12 weeks, then transition to normal food. i'm doing 3 - 6 weeks depending on how I feel about the whole thing. i'm doing it to get my sense of discipline back.

well, dinner on days 3 and 7 of each week are supposed to be high in carbs to trick your body into thinking you are getting enough carbs, so you don't go into "hold on to the fat" mode. dinner tonight then was some brown rice, a sweet potato with some butter, and a banana. brown rice, no problem. I love rice, and usually eat whole grain everything anyway. sweet potato? not my favorite, but i'm game. banana? I hadn't eaten a banana in years. I've tried several times because I always hear they are healthy, but just not into them. well that's how I remember bananas. so how was the banana tonight? VILE. I not only still don't like bananas, I hate them. blech!!!! at least it wasn't a peach, the smell of those can get me nauseated.

at least all this means something funny happened today, i'll take it. still feeling lost and lonely about the stuff with my partner, but no desire to pick up. if anything, it's helping the resolve to stay sober so I can be the best wehav come what may. on one glance, it all seems like dumb stuff to be contemplating separation over. but on the other hand, my ideals and important stuff are tied to it. I am willing to compromise on some things, but not everything I find important. okay, enough babbling.

thank you guys for all being so cool and I really appreciate you. sorry i'm so memememe right now.
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