Thread: Frustrated
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Old 10-06-2013, 09:57 AM
  # 11 (permalink)  
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I shouldn't be using the words "you need to" and I apologize for that. I should be using the word "I". I went back several times as well. Always knowing recovery was possible for him as I did witness it for myself. Always having faith he would get on the healthy path and put the addiction path behind him. I would witness him going to meeting, changing his thoughts and conversations to a healthier way of life. Problem was recovery didn't take center stage, he never fully put using in his rear view mirror. He held onto some friends who still used, he would still visit Dr's who were giving him the prescriptions....always dancing on those tracks.

The environment your exbf works in alone is a constant draw for him. Short of him putting that career/job on hold until he has a long history of recovery under his belt with new coping skills on how to be there without drinking, his chances of recovery are slim to none.

"I" had a hard time ACCEPTING he was who he was, I was always holding on to the person I met and fell in love with who was 4 years clean/sober and strong in his recovery. I kept waiting around hoping that that person would show up again, believing he could do it as he had in the past.

Me believing that and him wanting that were to very different thoughts.

You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. All those things you dream about can be possible once you meet the person who is capable of living it with you.
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