Old 08-23-2013, 08:01 PM
  # 44 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Nov 2012
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AAAAAAAND we're back on the merry go round/roller coaster ride into hell. Lovely.

I know, with out a shadow of a doubt that he will never stop. I can not wait for PA Archery to come in the first week of October because I need a vacation from him. Oh, he'll sit n bitch because I will spend every free moment in the woods but conveniently forget about all those days he abandoned me to his bottle.

Go ahead... ask me if I give a damn right now?!!!!

He was good til yesterday. I had a friend over n he went n got Chinese food. Oh, I did mention elsewhere it was right beside the liquor store. He's like, do you trust me to go? I told him, You will make the right decision for YOU. And he did. He got a bottle. Good for him! He should be so proud as he held it together til his feelings got the best of him n he just couldn't fool me anymore, he started bitching about how I had him cuffed n thrown in jail. It's ********!

What the drunk fails to remember is how the day went when he was 302'ed. He was a danger to himself as he is n was suffering from brain trauma and he's thoroughly drenching his already injured brain in alcohol. He is showing every sign that leads to a brain bleed and I can not eff around because he was in fact released to my care!!! Brain bleed signs include slurred speech, CHECK; Headaches, CHECK; wobbly & unbalanced, CHECK; Weak & numbness in one or both arms & legs, CHECK (legs)...

So now, I'm suppose to ignore the signs?! I call the neuro and they tell me to do whatever it takes to get him down there. I tell him he is drinking and they say, GET HIM HERE NOW! I tell him, we have to go and he says no. I tell him again, if you don't go willingly, I will call the ambulance and the fight is on. He refused the ambulance so they left. His ex wife came over to talk to him to see if she could get him to go. He refused. She knew he needed to go. She left. His drs called me and asked me if we were coming and I told them he is refusing. They, along with ex wife now is telling me to 302 him and I did.

I had to fill the paper work out. It took over an hour for them to even get there. Two women came out and as I was almost finished and about to sign my name to my truthful statement, he came out of the house with a broom, demanding to know where I was, he was screaming and cussing at me, threatening me, smashed my car with the broom, denting it and tripping over himself. He showed them everything I wrote in my sworn statement. They called the county and it was approved within 30 minutes.

They were waiting for an ambulance. He came out of the house and when I heard his keys hit the sidewalk, my heart sank. I was outside in the neighbors yards watching him from the hill. I saw the cop come up the hill but I didn't know he was waiting for him. He got in the truck and started to turn it around and I knew I had to call 911 yet again to tell them he was driving drunk and I did. As he got to the end of the driveway, the cop pulled right in front of him. They were waiting for the ambulance and instead intercepted him. Pulled him out and cuffed him. They did NOT charge him with DUI. He was put in a constibles car n taken to the er for a CT SCAN. In reality, all he had to do was go willingly. Now he says, I never gave him an option to go. I just had him cuffed n taken to jail. He never went to jail.

He brought this up yesterday and he is doing it again tonight over the phone because I'm at work and he's at home, drunk. He is now saying that he will not go for the next follow up appt. He says I will have to cuff him. He's also on this welfare kick that if he was on welfare, they wouldn't even treat him so why should he go, the government just wants the insurance money from his state issued insurance plan. He's talking out of his ass and he talks a whole lotta smack when he's drunk off his ass. But hey... I'm so effing stupid. I don't know WTF I'm talking about... he says, I haven't drank! One thing I know is that when Mr. Wonderful drinks, he's far from pleasant n likes to pick til he's got me mad n hey, now he can drink in peace!

I am so sick of hearing about his 15 minutes in cuffs n how he was hauled off to his imaginary jail cell at the effin hospital. He says I hurt him. He told me last night that he feels he can't trust me because of what I did to him. He says, I'll never forgive you. YOU HURT ME!

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